Certain drugs that block the excessive production of certain hormones may also be administered. If external steroid use is determined to be the cause, gradual tapering and removal of the steroid may be recommended. Treatment may include surgical removal of growths or the adrenal gland(s) itself. Treatment of overactive adrenal glands depends on the cause of the disease and source of the overproduction of cortisol. What is the treatment for overactive adrenal glands? Radiologic tests, such as computed tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, or X-ray.

Urine tests to measure levels of hormones.Specific blood tests to measure levels of hormones.In addition to a complete medical history and medical examination, diagnostic procedures for overactive adrenal glands may include: How are overactive adrenal glands diagnosed? Always consult your doctor for a diagnosis. The symptoms of overactive adrenal glands may resemble other conditions or medical problems. An overproduction of the aldosterone hormone can lead to high blood pressure and to those symptoms associated with low levels of potassium, such as weakness, muscle aches, spasms, and sometimes paralysis. An overproduction of corticosteroids can lead to Cushing's syndrome (see below). An overproduction of androgenic steroids, such as testosterone, can lead to exaggerated male characteristics in both men and women, such as hairiness of the face and body, baldness, acne, deeper voice, and more muscularity. Androgenic steroids (androgen hormones).When adrenal glands produce excessive amounts of certain hormones, they are called "overactive." Symptoms and treatment depend on which hormones are being overproduced: